Kinergetics uses Kinesiology (Muscle Testing) and Universal Healing Energy to balance the bodies’ stresses. It is a fast, powerful and profound method of accessing the causes - emotional, mental, spiritual, physical and metaphysical stress, balancing the energies of the physical body and outer bodies to facilitate change and de-stress the whole being. Muscle testing is used to determine exactly where the Kinergetics healing energy is required by the body for clearing these stresses once the core causes have been identified and accessed at a deep level. Kinergetics accesses Trauma held deeply within the body.
There are hundreds of testimonials to be viewed on and on this website
Kinergetics Course Content
The complete Kinergetics course consists of five sequential Workshop Units. Each Unit consists of 15 hours of tuition. Each Unit is usually taught in the format of a 2 day Workshop. Each Unit can be taken individually, in order from Unit 1 to 5. A comprehensive, clear and easy to follow Manual is included in the price of each Workshop Unit. Each Unit costs $400 Australian inc GST
Kinergetics Unit 1 Contents
Healing Energy - We test to see if you have any blocks to healing energy and correct if necessary.
Muscle Testing - The basics, everything you need to know.
Pretests - Before we start we make sure we have permission, and the client is adequately hydrated.
Correction Positions - Used throughout Kinergetics.
Jaw Stacking - This is how we add information, looks funny, but it works!
Finger Modes - Speeds up the process by knowing if the correction will be an Organ, Gland or Chakra.
Fast Fix - This is the main correction in Kinergetics. The client’s body tells us where to correct, how long to correct for, and when it’s corrected.
Stress Correction - Basic Stress correction, changes your reaction to a Stress.
Sensitivity Correction - Basic Sensitivity correction, changes your reaction to a Sensitivity.
Self Testing - Balance yourself!
Electrolyte Correction - Energetically balance your electrolytes.
Brain Integration Correction - I have seen this instantly take someone out of overwhelm.
Plus three very powerful pain corrections - all in Unit 1.
Hydration Scan List Correction – It’s not how much water you drink, it’s how much you assimilate. Clear the stresses that block the assimilation of water. Dehydration causes pain!
Pain Correction - Standard Pain correction, can be used by itself but best used in combination with Hydration and TMJ.
Pain TMJ (Masseter and Temporalis) - the main correction used on 15 people in one hour to dramatically reduce pain from an average of 5.4 to less than 1. Balance the jaw, balance the body. Over 90% of the muscles in the body are affected by the muscles around the TMJ.
Kinergetics Unit 2 Contents
Emotions - Find an emotion, age recess to find the original stress. Locate and balance connected links. Change your reaction to stress.
TMJ Suppression - Find and balance suppressed stress in the jaw muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc.
Sphenoid and Coccyx - These are critical for structural integrity.
Hypertonic Muscles - Releases tension from muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc.
General Formatting - Clears stresses in general.
Specific Formatting - Search for stress in very specific areas of the body. Example, one practitioner made long lasting correction on his Blood Pressure. Another cleared Menopause symptoms on herself and her friends. Includes 34 pages of formats.
Vision - Ten different Vision balances. Some students receive long lasting Vision improvements.
Kinergetics Unit 3 Contents
Testing 16 Muscles in Contraction and Extension - 64 Photos, 32 professional muscle drawings.
Jammed Muscle Circuits - Technically called over-facilitated. Ten times as important to correct as muscles that are ‘weak’. This is used in the Candida and Mercury balances.
Affirmations - I worked on a lady who had been playing an affirmation tape overnight for three months - it still created stress. Repeating affirmations usually means repeating something you don’t believe, therefore it creates stress. Kinergetics clears stress from the affirmation. Scan list of over 250 affirmations, 17 categories.
Sabotage - We create sabotages as protection. Consciously we may say “It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all” but subconsciously our brain wants everything to run smoothly with no big ups and downs. Find the emotional cause behind the sabotage.
Heavy Metals - Test for Mercury. Strengthen the body so it can better handle heavy metals. Some great testimonials on the website.
Candida - In the early 1990’s I worked on more than 1,000 clients with Candida. I used to test 45 major muscles and a vial of homeopathic Candida over the body. It was only after testing hundreds of clients that I realised there was a pattern. Everyone with Candida had emotional stress held in the Spleen meridian affecting either Middle Trapezius or Latissimus Dorsi.
Client Sessions - How to work with clients. Hydration then TMJ. Sample sessions.
Kinergetics Unit 4 Contents
Higher Vibrational Energy - Clear more energy blocks. Corrections are now deeper.
More Power - More Safety Checks - We now have more access to the client’s bio-computer.
Magnesium/Mineral Metabolism - Locate stresses blocking assimilation of minerals.
Accessing Optimum Support - Support the body to give you more information. Bring to the surface hidden stresses that the body did not have enough energy to deal with.
Hydration Scan List Correction - Deeper, faster Hydration corrections.
Access Sequence - Check possible blocks to healing. Add much more information before correcting.
Session Completion Checks - Make sure there are no sabotages, etc blocking the corrections.
Scan Lists - Includes lots of Scan Lists and corrections from other Units, so this becomes the main manual you now work with.
Kinergetics Unit 5 Contents
Advanced Formats - Check dehydration caused by Anaesthetics, Vaccines, Drugs, etc.
Micro-organisms - Check the energetic reaction to all sorts of nasties.
Hydration Pathways - To dehydrate an area of the body the Hypothalamus sends messages to the Pituitary, then Adrenal Hormones. Follow the pathway to find the cause.
Brain Hydration Correction - Check over 25,000 permutations from 8 pages of Brain Formats.
Higher Chakra Balance - Check Higher Chakras for stresses that keep throwing out the physical structure.
Light Body Correction - Formatting in the Light Bodies and Chakras. This is done on both days so you get lots of practice. This is so powerful it comes with its own Safety Checks so we don’t leave clients feeling ‘spaced out’.
Light Body Safety Checks - Great for Psychics, Energy Healers and Space Cadets!
Kinergetics Master Class Contents
Kinergetics Master Class contains all the latest stuff, some of it still in the research stage. At the moment it contains a lot of stuff relating to Adrenalin and Cortisol. Accessing Perceptions. Gluten Formatting. Trauma. Hypothalamus balance. And much more. This class is only taught by Philip Rafferty (Founder of Kinergetics) Ph: 0306362 2657
Easy Learning. The Instructor demonstrates a technique. Students practice, then change over. In Unit 1 the Instructor demonstrates again, so you ‘sandwich’ the learning. I have had medical doctors in class that said they couldn’t believe learning could be so much fun!
We also get lots of people with no prior training in health, energy workshops or kinesiology.
The manuals are consistently commended, especially by students who have attended many other workshops.